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At St Martins, we believe in teaching Golden Knowledge to produce Global Citizens.

We aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum, which is progressive, developmental and creative for all students from the ages of 3 to 16. We ensure that our curriculum takes into account the individual needs of our pupils at all stages, and therefore is accessible and ambitious for all. We value both academic and social development, and our knowledge-rich curriculum aims to produce confident, Global Citizens with a sound knowledge of the world around them. The ambitious content of our curriculum promotes awe and wonder and fosters a life-long desire to learn.

What is Golden Knowledge?

The concept of Golden Knowledge underpins everything we do at St Martins. It is the knowledge that will broaden our pupils’ understanding and allow them to articulate ideas, debate with confidence, and further push the boundaries of their learning. We believe that all children have the right to learn the Golden Knowledge in our subjects, and use regular retrieval and recall opportunities to ensure it is learnt deeply.

What is a Global Citizen?

We aim to develop pupils who have an understanding and curiosity about the world in which they live. Being a Global Citizen will allow our pupils to develop the skills that they need to be successful in any situation, as well as having the knowledge to make the best decisions in everything that they do

On the following curriculum pages you will find Curriculum mapping documents or SNAPSHOTS which include Golden Knowledge for all subjects. Should you have any further questions regarding our curriculum please contact our Deputy Head at Carol.Jones@stm.318education.co.uk

Alternatively please contact class teacher, subject teacher or speak to a member of staff at learning review meetings

Careers in the curriculum

Linking curriculum learning to careers as well as being a statutory requirement, more importantly alongside building careers knowledge it has shown to increase motivation, attendance, revision and attainment,  take a look at https://www.educationandemployers.org/research/motivated-to-achieve/ 

Curriculum Guide link.This guide gives quick and easy ideas to get careers into the curriculum along with links to useful resources. 

Teacher Resources can also be found on this document from the Careers and Enterprise Company.

With this in mind subject leaders are encouraged to contact Hannah Weaver or Clare Ellis for resources that can be used. Visual displays have been purchased for subject areas to help demonstrate how subjects are used in various careers.