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Options Booklet and information 2024

OPTIONS for year 9 - 2024

Please find powerpoint guides to all the option choices available for study as downloads at the bottom of this page.



There are three choices to make - but students will only have two options - one is a reserve choice.

1. Students must pick either GCSE History or Geography

2. Students must pick a second subject from the list (students can opt to do both GCSE History and Geography - one from each choice)

3. Students must select a reserve choice

 Note: Please remember if students are on the alternative pathway already where they do vocational PE and not do French or Spanish they cannot pick Sports Science as they are already studying that course.


The link to the on line event will be sent to parents. This will be an opportunity to hear about the options process and ask any questions you may have.

Documents about each course are at the bottom of this page (they have audio narration so please make sure you have your sound on!)

 A recording of the forum will be accessible on the year 9 'teams page' , parents can log in with their child. Any problems with access please email Ms Mottershaw (zoe.mottershaw@stm.318education.co.uk)

Last years recording is available as a download at the bottom of this page

  • Introduction to options forum 29 February at 6pm on teams (recorded for those unable to attend)
  • Options booklet will be given to students before half term
  • Choices in by 19 April

 Students in year 7 are asked to choose a language option that they will study in year 8, 9 and take their GCSE in year 10

Students in year 8 are asked to choose an Arts option that they will study in year 9, 10 and 11

Students in year 9 are asked to choose the options they will continue to study into year 10 and 11 to GCSE.

Every student studies science  - this can be either as three separate sciences; biology examined in year 10, physics and chemistry examined in year 11, or as the double award/combined examined in year 11 which is the equivalent to 2 GCSEs

If you’re already thinking about university and careers and are interested in science-based degrees and jobs then separate science GCSEs will be of benefit. Most top universities prefer applicants for science subjects to have taken the triple award option at GCSE.

Where can physics take you? infographic

If you’re already thinking about university and careers and are interested in science-based degrees and jobs then it is definitely worth considering taking separate science GCSEs. Most top universities prefer applicants for science subjects to have taken the triple award option at GCSE.

Whatever career you are considering, taking triple science GCSE will set you up well for later life. Employers are crying out for candidates with science-based skills.

"The types of skills you learn studying all three Sciences can be really helpful for all sorts of different careers," says Naomi Weir, Assistant Director at Campaign for Science and Engineering. "Whether it’s doing analytical stuff or developing a scientific way of thinking."


As a school, our aim is to:
• provide a broad, balanced and flexible curriculum
• provide an excellent baseline for the continuation into post-16 education and/or employment

This year the curriculum booklet and final option form can be downloaded below.

We try to accommodate all students choices whist maintaining a broad balanced curriculum.