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The Diner and Free School Meals

The Diner & Free School Meals

Primary Meals and Secondary Meals will be £2.60 when we start back in September, FSM's will not be affected.

To apply for free school meals use the following link:


To speak to someone at Shropshire Council about Free School Meals contact:


Aspens are our catering provider - updated menu's are on the links at the bottom of this page.

Primary and secondary lunch breaks are staggered, with primary lunch starting from 11.55am and secondary lunch from 1.30pm

We offer a cashless payment system - money is added to the student account and students then 'pay' for their lunch using a copy of their thumb print.

If you have queries about lunches or wish to have a breakdown of what your child is buying for lunch please contact the school reception.

Primary and secondary fixed price lunch is £2.60