Our students go on to study and work in many different fields - please contact clare.ellis@stm.318education if you are happy to share your story!
Ms Williams - Cover Supervisor and Sports Centre Manager
I came to secondary school at St Martins and when I left I studied Business Studies at Shrewsbury College, I didn't know what I wanted to do or which direction I wanted my career to go in. I wanted to get into the working world and gain a sense of responsibility, soon after my college course I found an interest for marketing but decided it was time for a change and I started my role as a Cover Supervisor at St Martins School. I also recently started a part time university degree through the Open University in Mathematics, I have started this with the ambition to become a maths teacher. Therefore, studying this alongside my current role will be beneficial for building my experience and confidence. The skills I need to use for my current role are communication, resilience, organisation and adaptability, these are the necessary characteristics for my job to keep students engaged and effectively carry out a cover lesson. I thoroughly enjoy coming to work each day as for me the school has always been built with a family ethos environment but the development and progression it has made since I left is incredible to see. If I could give my younger self some advice it would be that no one ever has it all figured out, there's no need to put so much pressure on yourself to have everything all figured out, learn to love the chaos for a bit!